Christina Venditti

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Tending The Garden

Are you willing to see the weeds?

Think of your body’s ecosystem as a spring garden. We are one with nature after all.

You may have heard the recommendation that leaving the garden beds as-is for a prolonged period of time allows for richer soil, propagation of native pollinators, and a more vital growth season.

The same can be said for you.

Let the released parts of you finish their process.

Too often we “cut out” or “cover over” those parts that seem unpleasant because we just can’t wait to skip to the good part.

So, you’ve had a personal revelation in therapy, or on your yoga mat, or during a powerful journal sesh, and you are ready to make those changes. But, are you?

There is transformational power in the patience and the pause. A treasure trove of potency exists in your own personal compost.

Back to the garden for a bit… What happens to your environment if you don’t mindfully tend the weeds and prepare your soil? You will constantly battle every little thing that crops up all season. The weeds fight their way to the surface to be seen, to be nourished, and in the process take resources from the newness you have intended to grow. And what does this mean for you?

Your unhealed self will fight back harder because it is unhealed

This stuff is not meant to be tossed out and wasted. Those parts of you served a purpose and brought you to this current moment. Can you bless and release what does not bring you peace?

Your story can be integrated, transformed, and alchemized into something that will birth you into a new level of being instead of continuing to hold you in place year after year.

Working with your unhealed self takes a loving awareness. Resist the urge to bring shame and judgement into the experience. Cultivating a loving awareness begins with basic self-care: Conscious breath, mindful movement, hydration and nourishment of the body, and restoring sleep. Loving body care practices help to prepare your capacity for engaging in healing work.

When you are ready, consider the following questions. As your answers some up, write them out, speak them out, any method to get them out of your body and into your conscious awareness.

  • What scares you about the old version of yourself?

  • What emotions arise from examining what remains of that version of you?

  • Envision former you, as 7 year old you. Can you send them forgiveness, gratitude, and love? What does this sound like? What does this feel like?

  • As the “weeds” pop up can you shift from treating them with anger, to lovingly releasing them?

Any time I engage in personal shadow work, I like to close out the practice with something fun. I personally love music and movement, so you will most likely find me dancing it out to some great music.

Bring a loving awareness to all parts of you, and then integrate and celebrate.

We are being called to do our individual work, but we don’t have to do it alone. It can be done in community. If you are looking for support in this area, I invite you to explore Body Language, my signature digital course program that I created to help you translate the messages of your body. You can find out more HERE.