Do You Really Need A “New You”?

You may have already noticed it happening. It typically does this time of year.

The barrage of “New Year, New You” messages. Lose this, gain that, shift this, change that.

For some of you this may resonate as just the kick-in-the-pants motivation you need. But, for some of you this type of messaging just makes you feel like sh*t. As if there is something about you that just doesn’t measure up. I don’t know about you, but disempowerment does not motivate me.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we allow ourselves to be bossed around by the idea that we are not good enough?

Imagine how great it would feel to take it all back. Imagine how it would feel to notice what you love about yourself. Imagine creating change in your life from a place of radical self-acceptance, and deciding what you want and need. Feels incredible right?

You may be thinking, “How the heck am I going to fit yet another thing on my to-do list (even if that thing is good for me) when I am already exhausted?” I get it. I have a household family of 5, run a business, while also just trying to be a person in the world, so let’s keep it simple.

I’m going to share my own personal practice for when the sensation of inadequacy creeps in. Its 5 simple things. It can take 5 minutes, or as long as you need.

When you begin to feel like you’re not enough:

  • Find a quiet space to collect your thoughts. If you can’t find a quiet space close your eyes, unless you’re driving or walking through a crowd (obviously). Take 3 full breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. This will calm and regulate your nervous system.

  • Consider your self care basics. When was the last time you drank water, ate, rested, moved your body, experienced joy? If it has been awhile take care of what’s missing. Now. Go ahead, take care of you.

  • Now that your basics are taken care of, ask yourself how you want to feel. You can write it down, or just consider it in your thoughts. Be specific and wild.

  • You have decided how you want to feel, so now consider how to bring it to life. This is the time for embodiment, for inspired action. Is there something you can do to make yourself feel how you want to feel? Keep in mind, you don’t have to solve your whole life here. Let’s just get through the week, the day, the next 5 minutes. Whatever you need. That is the whole point of these steps. What do YOU need?

  • Tie up the moment. Close the practice with gratitude. You have prioritized you. Pat yourself on the back. Give yourself a hug.

Do you feel more centered, honored, prioritized? Good! From this space of a cared for body and mind, you can make aligned decisions toward creating change in your life that are grounded in radical self-acceptance.

Now go into this day being YOU. The world needs who you are.

Christina Venditti

Trauma informed massage therapist and yoga instructor. Creator at CV Restorative Bodywork, helping people remember their own Body Language.

Tending The Garden