The Weight (wait) of Worthiness

Let me know if you resonate with the feeling of this scenario...

You wake up one morning and feel a fidgety sensation in your body. You ask yourself, “Did I sleep in a funny position? Did I eat something different before bed? Did I forget to do something important?” You are wiggly, slightly uncomfortable, and a bit irritable. You realize that what you are experiencing is growing pains. You know in your very bones that you are about to expand, but the part of you that craves comfort, and fears the unknown is freaking out.

Then you may begin to think thoughts that are critical, and dripping with guilt. The weight of undervaluing your worthiness is heavy. Like HEAVY, heavy. And so you wait…

Inertia. A tendency to do nothing, or to remain unchanged unless acted upon by an external force. -Oxford Dictionary

If I have learned anything from practicing and teaching yoga, it is that stillness can be far more uncomfortable than movement.

We have been conditioned to produce, often at the expense of our own health. It is a slow overtaking of the system, that gradually has you feeling a bit worse and disconnected each day.

And the worst part is, we accept it as normal. Wearing our exhaustion as a badge of honor.

Hustle culture, boss babes, it makes me want to take a nap just thinking about it.

It is so engrained in the culture that if we decide to step off the “hamster wheel” we feel lazy, less-than, and unworthy.

The sensation of unworthiness feels heavy in the physical body. The inertia that keeps you frozen in place day, after day. The longer you remain here, the more frozen you feel. It becomes a frustrating pattern of disempowerment.

Who and what determines your worth?

  • Your boss and your bank balance?

  • Hours worked and net worth?

  • Body shape and skin color?

  • Your ability to be all things to all people? (and don’t forget to smile while doing it!)

You can be the decider.

You. The essential You. Your higher self. You have 24/7 access to your higher self, and what do you think they would have to say about your worth?

  • You are worthy because you exist.

  • You are worthy of love because you are love.

  • You are worthy of happiness because you are joy.

It is your inherent right to feel healthy and vibrant in your body because you are the embodiment of universal source energy.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom” - Anais Nin

We are being called to do our individual work, but we don’t have to do it alone. It can be done in community. If you are looking for support in this area, I invite you to explore Body Language, my signature digital course program that I created to help you translate the messages of your body. You can find out more HERE.

Christina Venditti

Trauma informed massage therapist and yoga instructor. Creator at CV Restorative Bodywork, helping people remember their own Body Language.

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