Ditching Migraine Guilt

We have all been there. Made plans with your friends for a special night out…BAM Migraine. Accepted a big project at work that could lead to a lucrative promotion…BAM Migraine. Super sweet event at the kids’ school…BAM Migraine. Then we spiral into a pain fueled guilt trip, adding yet another layer of misery to our migraine experience.

So, what do we do about it? Well, other than taking care of the basics (sleep, nourishment, movement, hydration), we really should be focusing on ditching the guilt. We are very quick to judge ourselves when we fall ill, repeating the inner dialogue that time is being wasted, or that we have somehow failed to keep ourselves healthy. How many times have you felt your migraine symptoms start to kick up, and instead of beginning your self care routine, you power through, hoping that you can get as many things done as humanly possible before being rendered useless? I know I have done this countless times, and you know what, it never works out the way I intended.

Let this be your new healing mantra: “My body is telling me it needs support. I will listen, and nourish it with whatever it needs.”

When you are in the throes of an intense migraine experience, you can feel powerless to your symptoms. In these moments it is crucial to remember that your body is expressing itself, and that resting does not equate to “doing nothing”. You are experiencing a flurry of activity, and you are honoring the process by surrendering to the moment and giving yourself nothing but the highest forms of self-care and self-compassion.

Here are a few tips for how to put this into practice:

  1. Ask for help and receive it with gratitude. Some of us have trouble asking for help. Remember, your body is busy healing. You are not “doing nothing”. Here is another consideration. It is heartbreaking for your family and friends to watch you struggle through an episode. They feel powerless too! Asking them to assist and support you through this time, can help them to feel empowered. Let them help you through it, and when you are able, show gratitude.

  2. Use your personalized migraine emergency tool kit. Mine contains electrolyte water, ginger tea, cold packs and heat packs (multiple so you can rotate, as needed), supportive pillows, my weighted blanket, peppermint essential oil roll-on, Deep Blue muscle rub.

  3. Listen to my Migraine Health Meditation. (you can find it HERE). The supportive mantras and breathing techniques will help you develop a healing mindset, during this challenging moment.

Take this time to allow yourself to rest, to be held, to heal, without guilt.

If you are looking for community support, come on over to our Facebook group. You can find us HERE.

Christina Venditti

Trauma informed massage therapist and yoga instructor. Creator at CV Restorative Bodywork, helping people remember their own Body Language.


Asking For Help. 5 Ways to Stop Being a Migraine Martyr.


Magnesium and Migraine